CSSR 2017 Call for Papers coming soon

The CSSR 2017 Call for Papers is currently in review & translation.

Please start to plan your presentation proposal. It is due January 15, 2017.

Consider your travel plans to attend the conference at Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, from May 30 to June 1, 2017.  Congress usually offers low-cost campus accommodation as well as hotel and airline discounts. Congress registration fees will be available at reduced early-bird rates until March 31. 

More information is on our Conference page.


CFP: Special Issue on Rhetoric and Peace Studies (English and French)

[copied from H-Rhetor announcement]

Call for Papers for volume 10, n° 1(19)/ 2017

ESSACHESS – Journal for Communication Studies[1]


Rhetoric and Peace at Crossroads: Public and Civic Discourse, Culture and Communication Perspectives


Guest editors:

Dr. Noemi Marin, Professor, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies, Florida Atlantic University, USA (nmarin@fau.edu)

Dr. Lara  Martin Lengel, Department of Communication, School of Media and Communication,  Bowling Green State University, USA (lengell@bgsu.edu)

This special issue examines rhetorical and/or cultural-critical perspectives on peace, non-violence, and the role of civic discourse in contemporary times. The issue intends to cover scholarship that focuses mainly on the last 30 years, including the historic period following 1989 that created a democratization of discourse throughout the world, yet engaged even more peace and conflict as paradigmatic perspectives on migration, terrorism, communism, and political and social change. Accordingly, some areas of scholarship pertinent to this special issue are: geopolitics and discourse of peace; historical public arguments for non-violence; theoretical approaches to communication and conflict as cultures of peace; migration and its peace-related consequences in the 21st century; nationalism as cultural or political paradigm of national identity; international contexts for rhetoric of peace, to name a few. Of note that this issue intends to present an interdisciplinary set of scholarly articles open to all disciplines such as but not limited to political communication, rhetorical studies, intercultural and/or international communication, and peace and conflict studies.

Important Deadlines

December 20, 2016: submission of the proposal in the form of an abstract of maximum 2 pages. The proposal must include a list of recent references;

– January 5, 2017: acceptance of the proposal;

April 30, 2017: full paper submission;

– June 15, 2017: full paper acceptance.

Full papers should be between 6,000-8,000 words in length. Papers can be submitted in English or French. The abstracts should be in English and French, max. 2 pages followed by 5 keywords. Please provide the full names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses of all authors, indicating the contact author. Papers, and any queries, should be sent to:


Authors of the accepted papers will be notified by e-mail. The journal will be published in July 2017.

[1] The journal ESSACHESS is covered in Scopus Elsevier, ProQuest CSA, EBSCO Publishing, Index Copernicus, DOAJUlrich’sGale, J-Gate, CEEOL, Genamics Journal SeekSSRN, GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Social Science Open Access Repository (SSOAR), MLA Directory, and DRJI (Directory of Research Journal Indexing) databases. The journal is also recognized by AERES – French Evaluation Agency for Research and higher Education and sustained by the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie.

CSSR/SCÉR 2017 in Toronto: Dates and more Plans

SCÉR 2017 à Toronto: 30, 31 mai et 1er juin


Our association’s meeting dates at the 2017 Congress in Toronto are as follows: / Nous avons été informés que les dates de notre colloque au Congrès de 2017 à Toronto sont :

  • May 30, May 31, June 1 (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday). /  les 30, 31 mai et 1er juin (mardi, mercredi, jeudi)
  • Our president’s reception is scheduled for Wednesday. / la réception du président pour nous est programmée  le mercredi. 

The Congress as a whole starts May 26 and ends on Friday June 2. / Le congrès dans son ensemble commence le 26 mai et s’achève le vendredi 2 juin. 

You can see the dates for all the Congress associations here: / Vous trouverez les dates pour toutes les sociétés du congrès ici : http://www.congress2017.ca/sites/default/files/sites/default/uploads/conference-schedule-2017-en.pdf

Our Brief Description

Our CSSR/SCÉR association and 2017 conference will be described thus on the Congress website:

Rhetoric is the study of strategic communication through the lens of “rhetorical” theories and perspectives. Rhetorical theory, criticism, and pedagogy provide insight and instruction into how people communicate effectively (or ineffectively) and ethically (or unethically) in order to inform, persuade or delight their audiences. Rhetoric is actively performed in all media and situations, all cultures and languages, whether or not rhetors (communicators) are conscious of using rhetoric. Rhetoric is not limited to “public discourse,” although much of rhetorical study has focused on public discourse.

Our conference at the Congress in 2017 will have some sessions focused on the topic of “Rhetoric and Interdisciplinarity / Disciplinarity.” We have chosen this theme because we are well aware that rhetoric and rhetoricians find their home in a wide variety of academic disciplines and institutions in Canada and beyond. We would like to understand how disciplinarity or interdisciplinarity affects the study and teaching of various kinds of rhetoric in various institutional locations, both historically and today.

(Sorry, no French translation yet)

Call for Proposals

The CSSR/SCÉR 2017 Call for Proposals (CFP) is currently in development, and it will need to be translated into French before circulation, hopefully by November.

Submissions will be due by January 15, 2017.

The CFP will be very similar to the 2016 (last year’s) call for proposals, except for the more detailed description of the year’s theme for special sessions and the keynote speaker info.

We always welcome topics on any theme in rhetorical studies, not just presentations that fit our theme for the year.

Students are always welcome to present.

We hope you will start planning your presentation proposal soon!

CSSR Social Media update, August 2016

I’d like to introduce our CSSR-SCÉR Website & Social Media team and explain what’s going on in the world of our CSSR Social Media forums.

First, join me in giving sincere thanks to our current Website & Social Media team!

  • Tania Smith, CSSR Webmaster and Social Media admin since 2012
  • Ryan McGuckin, CSSR webmaster assistant, and CSSR-SCÉR Google+ co-admin since 2015
  • Brandon Katzir, CSSR social media assistant, and Twitter co-admin since 2015
  • Bruce Dadey, CSSR Webmaster co-assistant, and Twitter co-admin since 2016
  • M. Shivaun Corry, CSSR Facebook, since 2016
  • David Beard, our current CSSR-SCÉR Secretary, also holds the webmaster’s backup & password files just in case the webmaster becomes unavailable to do her work.

With the help of this team, our association has a greater ability to publicly engage those who choose to “follow” us on social media.

CSSR-SCÉR Social media is intended to complement, not replace, our website. Although our website is restricted to more “official” executive announcements and “academic” information (such as Job Ads and Calls for Papers for rhetorical studies), our social media posts can cast a wider net by also sharing articles and media that are broadly relevant to discussion of “rhetoric” or “eloquence” in the public forum and rhetorical studies in general.

Our pages on Google+ and Twitter are also publicly accessible to people without login, thus increasing our association’s reach and relevance.  This is one way our association stays engaged with our people and the public.

Currently, our social media is integrated in a “chain” of forwarding and accumulating posts from one forum to the next:

  1. All our CSSR blog posts (news) get automatically posted to CSSR Google+ and CSSR Facebook.
  2. On our CSSR Google+ page, we share additional material that may be relevant to our followers on G+.  We also post on two interactive “community” pages that we host, where members can also post material:
  3. All our official Google+ posts made by our Google+ assistants (including posts forwarded to G+ from our website blog) get automatically fed to our CSSR Twitter page.
  4. Our CSSR Twitter assistants add more material to our feed and keep it active and relevant to our Twitter followers
  5. Our CSSR Facebook assistants add material to the Facebook page. (Due to technical difficulty and settings, Facebook cannot easily accept an automatic feed from our Twitter page, but it does mirror our CSSR website posts.)
  6. Our CSSR Twitter feed is publicly accessible online and in a “widget” in the left-hand sidebar of our CSSR website.

Therefore, even if you are not a user of any of these social media outlets, you can view our Social Media activity on our website. Just scroll down on any CSSR website page and look in the left sidebar under the menu.  There, you’ll see our public Twitter feed, which includes all the posts that have s accumulated on Google+ as well as Twitter.

If you use Facebook, Twitter, or Google+, we encourage you to join or follow us there!


Tania Smith,
CSSR-SCÉR Webmaster, and President 2015-2017

Plans for CSSR 2017 in Toronto

Plan pour la SCER 2017 à Toronto

The 2017 conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Rhetoric / Société Canadienne pour l’Étude de la Rhétorique will once again be held as part of the Canadian Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. / La conférence 2017 de la Société Canadienne pour l’Étude de la Rhétorique / Canadian Society for the Study of Rhétorique se déroulera, une nouvelle fois, dans le cadre du Congrès des sciences humaines du Canada.

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Ryerson University. / Lieu: Toronto, Ontario, Université Ryerson

Date: TBA (on 3 DAYS between May 27-June 2) / Dates: à préciser (3 JOURS entre le 27 mai et le 2 juin)

Theme: “Rhetoric and Interdisciplinarity / Disciplinarity”

This year, we are especially interested in presentations that explore through research and scholarship how “rhetorical studies” has been located within or among various disciplines in Canada and abroad, historically, today, and perhaps potentially in the future. In what contexts is/was rhetoric a discipline, and/or to what degree is/was it seen as innately interdisciplinary? How is rhetoric’s inter/disciplinarity defined not only by academic politics and structures, but by broader social contexts and ideologies? What kinds of rhetorical strategies are used to articulate the relation of rhetorical studies to various other fields of study? And ultimately, why or how does its inter/disciplinarity matter? — How have certain professions, roles, communities, and projects benefited from, or suffered with or without a disciplinary/interdisciplinary study of rhetoric? How does rhetoric’s inter/disciplinarity potentially strengthen or weaken the quality, diversity, identity and visibility of “rhetorical” scholarship, education, and practice, in Canada and beyond?

Thème : « Rhétorique et Interdisciplinarité / disciplinarité »

Cette année, nous sommes particulièrement intéressés par les communications qui font état de la recherche sur la manière dont les « études rhétoriques » se situent au sein et au travers de différentes disciplines au Canada et à l’étranger, et ce, historiquement, aujourd’hui, et potentiellement dans le futur. Dans quels contextes la rhétorique a été/est toujours une discipline et/ou dans quelle mesure elle est/était considérée comme intrinsèquement interdisciplinaire ? Comment l’interdisciplinarité de la rhétorique est-elle envisagée, non seulement par les politiques et structures académiques, mais également dans des contextes sociaux et dans des idéologies plus larges ? Quels types de stratégies rhétoriques sont mises en œuvre pour articuler la relation entre les études rhétoriques et d’autres champs d’étude ? Et enfin, pourquoi cette inter/disciplinarité est-elle importante, et comment cette importance se manifeste-t-elle ? – Comment certaines professions, postes, communautés et projets ont pu tirer bénéfice d’une approche disciplinaire/interdisciplinaire de la rhétorique ? Comment ont-ils été fragilisés par cette approche ou, au contraire, par l’absence d’une telle approche ? Comment l’inter/disciplinarité de la rhétorique peut renforcer ou affaiblir la qualité, la diversité, l’identité et la visibilité des études, de l’éducation et de la pratique de la « rhétorique », au Canada et ailleurs ?

As usual, we will also welcome presentations on all topics, themes and aspects of rhetorical studies. / Les propositions relatives à tous les aspects de la rhétorique restent, comme toujours, bienvenues, et ceci, quel que soit le champ d’étude envisagé.

Call for Proposals:  to be distributed in Fall 2016, with proposals due by January 15, 2017 / Appel à propositions : diffusion prévue à l’automne 2016 ; les propositions de communications seront attendues pour le 15 janvier 2017.

CSSR 2016 Student Prize Awarded

Prix de la meilleure communication présentée par un/e étudiant/e au Colloque de la SCÉR 2016

The award this year went to / Le prix est décerné cette année à

Lyuba Encheva, Ryerson University 

“The Grammar and Rhetoric of Gamification”

Abstract: This paper examines the political implications of the “mechanization of work” within games and the concept of “work” as the end result of a game. I engage in a close reading of Michael Hugos’ 2013 book Enterprise Games through Burkean dramatism. The examination of rhetorical devices in the book unveils a contradiction at the core of the “gamification” concept: it rests on the presumption that players’ engagement or “intrinsic motivation” can be externally stimulated.

Résumé : Cet article analyse, d’une part, les implications politiques de la « mécanisation du travail » eu égard à la problématique des jeux, et, d’autre part, le concept de « travail » en tant que résultat final d’un jeu. Pour ce faire, l’auteur conduit une lecture suivie de l’ouvrage de Michael Hugos, Enterprise Games, paru en 2013, à travers le « dramatisme » propre à Kenneth Burke. L’examen des dispositifs rhétoriques exposés dans le livre dévoile une contradiction au cœur de la notion de « ludification » (gamification) : elle repose sur la présomption suivant laquelle l’engagement ou la « motivation intrinsèque » des joueurs peuvent être stimulés de l’extérieur.

We welcome Lyuba Encheva to submit her complete, revised paper for publication in Rhetor, the Society’s journal. / Nous serons heureux d’accueillir la version révisée de l’article de Lyuba Encheva pour publication dans un prochain numéro de Rhetor, la revue électronique de notre Société.

Congratulations! / Félicitations! 

President’s Message, 2017-2019

CSSR President’s message

by Dr. Tania S. Smith, President 2015-2019

We at CSSR (also known as RhetCanada) are an international, bilingual scholarly society based in Canada, dedicated to the study of rhetoric–its theory, practice, criticism, history, and pedagogy.

We adhere to a broad understanding of rhetoric as the art and study of acts of communication: their forms, strategies, ethics, and effects on various audiences.

We study rhetoric in all genres of writing, speech, performance, physical artifacts, and media, and in all cultures, languages, and eras.

We welcome scholars who engage in rhetorical studies within a wide range of disciplines such as communication, literature, the fine arts, history, political science, philosophy, writing studies, as well as the sciences and professions.

We believe the study, teaching, and practice of rhetoric should aim to enrich human understanding and inquiry, culture, mutual respect, and social cooperation. …

Message de la Présidente de la SCÉR

par Dr. Tania S. Smith, Présidente 2015-2019

La SCÉR (également connue sous le nom « RhetCanada ») est une société savante internationale, bilingue (anglais / français), établie au Canada, et dédiée à l’étude de la rhétorique – sa théorie, sa pratique, sa critique, son histoire et sa pédagogie.

Nous adhérons à une définition large de la rhétorique entendue comme art et comme étude des actes de la communication: leurs formes, leurs stratégies, leur dimension éthique et leurs effets auprès d’une grande variété d’auditoires.

Nous étudions la rhétorique dans tous les genres d’écriture, de discours, de performances, sur tous les supports et dans les médias, dans toutes les cultures, toutes les langues, et à toutes les époques.

Nous accueillons des chercheurs qui se consacrent aux études rhétoriques depuis un très large spectre de disciplines comme la communication, la littérature, les beaux-arts, l’histoire, la science politique, la philosophie, la rédactologie, dans les sciencesautant que dans les professions.

Nous croyons que l’étude, l’enseignement et la pratique de la rhétorique peuvent aider à enrichir notre compréhension de l’être humain, ainsi que l’enquête menée sur le fait culturel, le respect mutuel et l’entente sociale. …

Continue reading “President’s Message, 2017-2019”

New Issue Publication from Exercices de rhétorique (Rhétorique et citoyenneté )

Parution du numéro 5 | 2015 – Rhétorique et citoyenneté  de la revue en ligne Exercices de rhétorique

Cher.e.s collègues,

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution du numéro 5 | 2015 – Rhétorique et citoyenneté  de la revue en ligne Exercices de rhétorique (édition Ellug, publication Cléo/OpenEdition), à l’adresse suivante:


Nous vous en donnons ci-dessous la table des matières.

Nous lançons également un appel ouvert à contributions : toute proposition de dossier ou d’article sera la bienvenue.

Vous trouverez une présentation générale de la revue en tête du premier numéro (URL: http://rhetorique.revues.org/87).

Avec nos salutations les plus cordiales.

Francis Goyet et Christine Noille, directeurs de la revue Exercices de rhétorique


5 | 2015
Rhétorique et citoyenneté

  • DOSSIER. L’exercice rhétorique de la citoyenneté

Sous la direction de Victor Ferry et Benoît Sans

  • Victor Ferry et Benoît Sans

Introduction : éduquer le regard rhétorique [Texte intégral]

  • Benoît Sans

Exercer l’invention ou (ré)inventer la controverse [Texte intégral]

  • Roberta Martina Zagarella

Résister à la calomnie : Changeling de Clint Eastwood [Texte intégral]

  • Marco Mazzeo

Le sophiste noir : l’assaut poétique chez Muhammed Ali [Texte intégral]

  • Emmanuelle Danblon et Ingrid Mayeur

La Déclaration préliminaire des Droits de l’Homme Numérique : un exercice pratique de l’utopie rhétorique ? [Texte intégral]

  • Victor Ferry

Exercer l’empathie : étude de cas et perspectives didactiques [Texte intégral]

  • ATELIER. Réflexions sur l’exercice : autour du manuel de rhétorique d’Auguste Baron (1re éd. 1849)

  • Loïc Nicolas

Exercer et pratiquer la rhétorique dans la tradition humaniste de l’École de Bruxelles : Auguste Baron, Eugène Dupréel, Chaïm Perelman [Texte intégral]

  • Auguste Baron

De la Rhétorique, ou De la composition oratoire et littéraire (2e éd. 1853 : Préface et extraits) [Texte intégral]

  • DOCUMENT. Hélisenne de Crenne. Les quatre premiers livres des Eneydes (1541)

  • Ellen Delvallée

Hélisenne de Crenne : traduire, réécrire, amplifier Virgile au XVIe siècle [Texte intégral]

  • Hélisenne de Crenne

La Translation du quatrième Livre des Énéides de Virgile [Texte intégral]

CFP/Edited Collection: Rhetoric and Oil Discourse (“Energy Humanities”)


Proposals Due: Jan. 31, 2016 (see below for submission details)

(edited, full version available here)

Recent years have seen the rise of the “Energy Humanities,” which consider cultures in terms of the energy sources that make them possible, energy sources that tend to be invisible to those inhabiting a given culture. In Oil Culture, for example, Ross Barrett and Daniel Worden argue that in contemporary North America oil is largely secreted out of sight but, at the same time, “the oil industry is as ubiquitous and necessary to contemporary life as money” (xix). This simultaneous invisibility and necessity is effected through rhetoric. For instance, in the recent “Life Takes Energy” campaign. We don’t see oil, or pipelines, or windmills in these ads, but energy’s necessity is asserted and the energy corporation’s necessity is implied.

Despite the rise of the Energy Humanities, eco-rhetoric, and Petroculture, no study of oil rhetoric currently exists. Therefore, The Rhetoric and Discourse of Oil seeks papers that examine how discourse and rhetoric create/enable the spectrality of oil (how rhetoric persuades individuals/the public that oil is an invisible magic elixir fuelling progress) and how it also disrupts or counters that view. Contributions to this collection will engage with our understanding of petroleum in its fundamental ambiguity, not only as a key sustaining source of modern culture but also as a toxic and destructive commodity. As such, The Rhetoric and Discourse of Oil seeks interventions in the discourses and rhetorics of oil and its related industries. Possible areas of focus include, but are not limited to, rhetoric and/or discourse and one or more of the following:

bitumen extraction;

hydraulic fracturing (fracking);

Off-shore drilling;

Pipelines and other forms of transportation (oil-by-rail, the Lac Mégantic disaster, tankers);

Spills, Leaks, Ruptures;

Upgrading and Refining;

Lawsuits (Aboriginal consultation, Treaty rights);


Government documents;

Industry documents;



Poetry, fiction, drama;

Visual Rhetoric;


Environment vs. Economy;

Economic History.

Please submit proposals of 300-400 words to Jon Gordon (jfg2@ualberta.ca) and Heather Graves (hgraves@ualberta.ca) by Jan. 31, 2016. Final papers will be due Sept. 1, 2016.

Special Issue Publication from Exercices de rhétorique

Rhétorique et citoyenneté  de la revue en ligne Exercices de rhétorique

Cher.e.s collègues,

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution du numéro 5 | 2015 – Rhétorique et citoyenneté  de la revue en ligne Exercices de rhétorique (édition Ellug, publication Cléo/OpenEdition), à l’adresse suivante:


Nous vous en donnons ci-dessous la table des matières.

Nous lançons également un appel ouvert à contributions : toute proposition de dossier ou d’article sera la bienvenue.

Vous trouverez une présentation générale de la revue en tête du premier numéro (URL: http://rhetorique.revues.org/87).

Avec nos salutations les plus cordiales.

Francis Goyet et Christine Noille,

directeurs de la revue Exercices de rhétorique