In memory of Michael Purves-Smith

Dear CSSR / RhetCanada members and associates, it is with sadness that I share news that one of our long-term and most cherished members, Michael Purves-Smith, passed away this week.

[Photo uploaded to the obituary website by the family] 

See his online obituary at

Michael and his wife Shannon Purves-Smith have contributed to the society for decades both separately and in partnership, playing many roles in the executive and committees and faithfully attending yearly CSSR conferences.

Michael’s gentlemanly kindness, organizational wisdom and deep intellect will be missed. He has left a strong legacy on our scholarly organization, and more importantly, he will be kindly remembered and respected in the hearts and minds of those who have worked together with him on committees, heard his presentations, shared meals or adventures with him, or discussed ideas with him. Michael has also left behind his writings for us to enjoy and ponder. He was not only a strong rhetorician and rhetorical critic, but he also used his eloquence as an active participant in Canadian and global society and culture, doing his best to leave an ethical, creative, and powerful impact on his audiences.

We thank you, Michael, for a life lived so well.

Dear Shannon, we send out our thoughts to you at this time and sincerely wish you and your family and friends comfort in your time of mourning.

Tania S. Smith
Current President, CSSR

RhetCanada/CSSR Proposal Deadline: January 13, 2018

The January 13 proposal deadline for RhetCanada’s annual conference is fast approaching. The conference will take place May 27-29, 2018 at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, which will be held at the University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.

The conference theme is “That’s not rhetoric!” “Yes, it is.” The topic invites participants to discuss and debate the borders of our definitions of rhetoric and what they mean to the way we see the world and speak, write, and act within it.

For more information, see the full Call for Proposals.

Funding is available to assist current and recent graduate students with travel expenses. See the Congress 2018 Student Funding page.

Please send proposals to Dr. Tania S. Smith, RhetCanada / CSSR President, Department of Communication, Media and Film, University of Calgary:

Rhetoric Positions at University of Waterloo

University of Waterloo English is hiring for a number of faculty positions:


  • Assistant or associate professorial positions: January 15, 2018
  • Lecturer postions: March 16, 2018

See the uWaterloo English website for more information about the department. Further enquiries may be directed to the chair, Professor Kate Lawson, at or at 519-888-4567, ext. 33965.

CFP: Res Rhetorica

Res Rhetorica is a peer-reviewed open access quarterly academic journal (ISSN 2392-3113). Its scope includes both theories of rhetoric and practices of persuasive communication. It is issuing the following CFP:

Rhetoric of Social Movements

The rhetoric of social movements is the theme for a special issue of Res Rhetorica planned for 2018.

A democratic public sphere is an arena where various social movements voice their claims; these include prominent environmentalist, feminist, LGBT, anti/alter-globalist, or nationalist movements, or local, identity-related, ethnic and political movements.

Social activism includes organizing protests, demonstrations, performances of civil disobedience or debates – all of which can be analyzed from a rhetorical perspective. Each social movement makes claims, presents them to the auditorium, argues for them, defends them against criticism. It actively campaigns to achieve in-group solidarity, to promote its ideas, and to convince the public to support its claims. It also strives to be identified and recognized in the public spheres and to position itself against antagonists.

Is the rhetoric of social movements related to their aims? Is it determined by the social context? How have digital media influenced the rhetoric of the social movements? Are there any global, universal patterns of social engagement and protest? How are appeals to emotions or authority used in social campaigning?

We invite submissions discussing, among other aspects:

  • The features of rhetorics of protesting
  • The new media and the new rhetoric of social campaigning
  • Using public space as rhetorical action
  • Varieties of persuasive repertoires
  • Media reactions to social activism
  • Contention and claim-making in public debates
  • Types of arguments in social activism
  • The role of visual rhetoric in social movements
  • The history of protest rhetoric and civil movements
  • The correlation between social causes and persuasive means
  • Cross-cultural comparisons of protest rhetorics

Issue Editor

Agnieszka Kampka (


Submission deadline: 31 January 2018

How to submit

To see the author guidelines and submit the paper, prospective authors should register on
The Issue Editors welcome proposals (250 words) for the articles related to the theme of the issue to be sent to the Editors’ emails by the date specified in the Call for Papers.
We also invite year-round submissions unrelated to the themes of the consecutive issues to be published in the “Varia” section.
The papers are reviewed and have its own DOI.

Polish Rhetoric Society

Res Rhetorica is affiliated with the Polish Rhetoric Society. The Society, established in the year 2000, aims at promoting the awareness of rhetoric and perfecting the art of effective communication in practice by identifying links between rhetoric and other disciplines, disseminating research in the field of rhetoric, exchanging experience with researchers from other countries, and popularizing rhetorical skills. Feel welcome to join us and become a member of the Polish Rhetoric Society. For more information go to:

CFP: CSSR/SCÉR 2018 Annual Conference/Colloque Annuel

RhetCanada (Canadian Society for the Study of Rhetoric / CSSR) invites scholars and students of rhetoric to submit proposals for presentations at its annual conference.

Location: Canadian Federation of Social Sciences and Humanities’ Congress 2018, University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Dates: May 27 – 29, 2018

Special Sessions theme: “That’s not rhetoric!” “Yes, it is.”

Proposals Due: January 13, 2018

The exchange that comprises our 2018 special sessions topic invites participants to discuss and debate the borders of our definitions of rhetoric and what they mean to the way we see the world and speak, write, and act within it.

What are the implications of considering rhetoric as queen of the liberal arts and as mere or empty rhetoric? Is rhetoric’s true home in public discourse, and is it broadly inclusive of genres and media, such as conversation, architecture, graffiti, blogs, and games? Does rhetoric still exist and potentially wield power where it is not named? What do we gain and lose when seeing the world from a “rhetorical” perspective?

Proposals for conference papers are not limited to the topic of the special session theme. The society welcomes papers on all aspects of rhetoric, in English or French. We foster dialogue among scholars from diverse disciplines and professions who are interested in rhetoric. We welcome not only mainstream rhetorical scholarship, but also “rhetoric in/and” a wide variety of domains or disciplines and through interdisciplinary frameworks.

See the full Call for Proposals and instructions.

Funding is available to assist current and recent graduate students with travel expenses. See the Congress 2018 Student Funding page.

Proposal submission:  By January 13, 2018 send your proposal to Dr. Tania S. Smith, RhetCanada / CSSR President, Department of Communication, Media and Film, University of Calgary:


RhétCanada (Société Canadienne pour l’Étude de la Rhétorique /) invite ses membres à soumettre des propositions de communication pour son Colloque annuel.

Lieu: le Congrès 2018 de la Fédération Canadienne des Sciences Humaines, Université de Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Dates: les 27 – 29 mai, 2018

Session thématique: “Ce n’est pas de la rhétorique. Mais si!”

Date limite de soumission des propositions: 13 janvier 2018

Notre session thématique de 2018 invite les participants à discuter et à débattre des limites de nos définitions de la rhétorique et de ce qu’elles signifient pour la manière dont vous voyons le monde, dont nous parlons, écrivons et agissons au sein de celui-ci.

Quelles sont les implications de considérer la rhétorique comme la reine des humanités, de parler de pure rhétorique ou de rhétorique vide ? Le lieu propre de la rhétorique est-il le discours public, est-elle plus largement incluse dans les genres d’expression et les médias, comme la simple conversation, les tweets, l’architecture et les graffiti ? La rhétorique existe-t-elle toujours et exerce-t-elle potentiellement son pouvoir là où elle n’est pas nommée ? Que gagnons et perdons-nous en voyant le monde à travers une perspective « rhétorique » ?

Les propositions de communication ne sont pas limitées au seul sujet de la session thématique. Les propositions relatives à tous les aspects de la rhétorique sont bienvenues, en français ou en anglais. Nous favorisons le dialogue entre les chercheurs qui, venus de disciplines et de contextes professionnels variés, s’intéressent à la rhétorique (au sens le plus large). Notre but n’est pas seulement d’accueillir le courant dominant de la recherche en rhétorique, mais bien d’encourager l’exploration de la « rhétorique dans et à travers » une grande variété de domaines ou de disciplines, et suivant des méthodes et des cadres interdisciplinaires extrêmement divers.

Voir le CFP complet.

Un fonds est également disponible pour aider les actuels ou récents étudiants de cycles supérieurs (Master et plus) pour leurs frais de déplacement. Voir le lien suivant  Congress 2018 Student Funding page.

Les propositions de communication doivent être adressées d’ici le 13 janvier 2018 à Dr. Tania S. Smith, Présidente de la SCÉR, Department of Communication, Media and Film, Université de Calgary, AB, Canada :

Kyle Gerber Wins RhetCanada Prize for Best Student Conference Paper / Kyle Gerber a remporté le prix de la meilleure communication proposée par un étudiant/doctorant octroyé par RhetCanada

Kyle Gerber, a doctoral candidate in English at the University of Waterloo, has won RhetCanada’s student prize for best student conference paper for “‘On Earth as it is in Heaven’: Transitive Action in The Lord’s Prayer.”

Kyle’s paper is an extension of interests he developed while completing an HBA in English at Wilfrid Laurier University and an MA in Rhetoric and Communication Design at the University of Waterloo. Working under Dr. Randy Harris, Kyle studies patterns of rhetorical figures in Mennonite writing on forgiveness, attending to cognitive implications for these patterns. He has published and presented in the areas of Mennonite identity, theology, and literature, and is interested in intersections of rhetorical, cognitive, and Mennonite studies. Kyle’s research is funded by a SSHRC doctoral grant.

When not working on his dissertation, Kyle splits his time between learning how to be a father to his 7-month-old daughter Gretchen and moonlighting as a mandolin player in his bluegrass band.

According to Kyle, “I’m grateful to be working in a department that fosters diverse modes of inquiry, surrounded by remarkable people, and connected to the broader community of RhetCanada. I’m grateful for Randy’s inspiration, guidance, and supervision, and for the collegial support of the peers in our writing group, Devon, Monique, Saeed, and George; any success I have is a product of what these individuals contribute to my life and scholarship.”

Congratulations, Kyle Gerber and the University of Waterloo.

Kyle Gerber, doctorant dans le département d’anglais de l’université de Waterloo, a remporté le prix de la meilleure communication proposée par un étudiant/doctorant octroyé par RhetCanada pour sa présentation intitulée: « ‘On Earth as it is in Heaven’: Transitive Action in the Lord’s Prayer ».

Il y propose un développement de thématiques qu’il a eu l’occasion d’aborder dans son bachelier en anglais à l’Université Wilfrid Laurier et de son master en Rhétorique et Communication à l’Université de Waterloo. Travaillant sous la supervision du Professeur Randy Harris, Kyle étudie les modèles de figures rhétoriques dans les écrits mennonites au sujet du pardon, avec une attention particulière pour les implications cognitives de ces figures. Gerber a publié et présenté des travaux dans les domaines de l’identité mennonite, de la théologie et de la littérature. Il s’intéresse aux croisements possibles entre la rhétorique, les sciences cognitives et les études mennonites. Sa recherche est financée par une bourse doctorale du SSHRC.

Lorsqu’il ne travaille pas à sa thèse, Kyle partage son temps entre son rôle de père pour Gretchen, sa petite fille de sept mois et joue de la mandoline dans un groupe de Bluegrass.

Kyle a déclaré : « Je suis reconnaissant d’avoir l’opportunité de travaillé dans un département qui encourage différentes formes d’approches, entouré de personnes admirables, et en connexion avec la communauté plus large de RhetCanada. Je remercie Randy de m’inspirer, de guider et d’orienter ma recherche, ainsi que pour le soutien de mes collègues dans notre groupe d’écriture, Devon, Monique, Saeed et Georges; tous mes succès sont le fruit de ce que ces personnes ont pu m’apporter, tant sur le plan personnel que professionnel ».

Félicitations à Kyle Gerber et à l’Université de Waterloo.


CSSR 2017 AGM summary & minutes

At our conference at the Congress in Toronto, Ontario, at Ryerson University May 30 – June 1, 2017, we had 42 registered delegates as well as several guests, and we had the opportunity to hear 27 well-researched presentations in plenary format.

Minutes of our AGM are available here, and below are the highlights.

The executive team passed a revised constitution this year, making executive roles more flexible, allowing members to be nominated for positions that suit their skills for 2 year terms.

During elections based on the revised constitution, I was voted in as President for a second term of two years. David Beard will serve as VP although he expressed he has no interest in succeeding to the President role in future. John Moffatt will serve as Secretary-Treasurer, although he has expressed that he prefers mainly the Treasurer role by itself.  Pierre Zoberman will still provide advice to the Executive as past-president. Now that Past President and Editor roles are separate, we have elected a new journal editor, Tracy Whalen, who has previously served as this society’s journal editor. We also have a new Webmaster (Bruce Dadey), and this is now an elected 2 year position on the executive. M. Shivaun Corry, who has been helping with CSSR’s Facebook presence, has volunteered to be a “Social Media Coordinator” within our team of website & social media assistants.

We are putting together a working group on membership development to assist in retaining and recruiting members and promoting our conference and journal. We still have one position vacant on the Advisory committee, as Whalen should be replaced since she is now editor. We will call for nominations and hold an online vote.

As part of our constitutional revisions, we approved an official “alias” name for our organization, RhetCanada / RhétCanada. I will explain in a separate news post so that it gets emphasized.

At the end of the conference, we held a vote for the special theme of the 2018 conference. The winning theme is “That’s not rhetoric!” “Yes, it is.”


CSSR Congress Keynote Address: Heather Graves and Roger Graves

Disciplining Lady Rhetorica: An Allegorical Dialogue about Disciplinarity and Rhetoric

Heather Graves and Roger Graves will present the CSSR keynote address at Congress.

Rhetoric, known as the “plastic” art, can and has been conjoined with other areas of study and practice. Perhaps the most well-known statement of this is one of the earliest: Aristotle noted that rhetoric “is not concerned with any special or definite class of subjects” (24). Cheryl Glenn’s work on rhetoric and gender, together with male-centred histories of rhetoric (M.L. Clarke, for example) provide good touchstones for the range of rhetoric’s contacts with other disciplines through history.

Today, rhetoric’s ability to frame the discourse of any particular discipline allows us to create better learning experiences and support student writers in all disciplines; as researchers, it enables us observe, decode, and interpret the discursive practices of a wide range of disciplines (H. Graves). Our actual interactions with people outside of rhetorical studies, however, lead to issues of power and control that cannot be disentangled from the context of each discipline. Collaborative work of the kind Carl Herndl has done with agriculture, for example, leads to what Anthony Pare has called “critical interdisciplinarity” wherein the rhetorician has set up camp (physically as well as mentally) across campus or across town. Pare contrasts this work with what he calls “rhetorical tourism” or the kind of rhetorical analysis that is done from afar or without partnering with an insider in the area under study.

This talk will briefly consider the history of rhetoric’s entanglements with other disciplines before dwelling on the more recent dalliances of rhetoric and the humanities–philosophy, communication, literature–as well as encounters with the sciences–mathematics, physics, biology–and the professions–engineering, nursing, and the law. We will adopt and adapt rhetoric’s alternate identity as Lady Rhetorica to create an allegorical exchange between her and her long-time companion, Philosophy/Logic, as to the nature of these relationships and what, if anything, is to be done about it.

Aristotle. (1984). The rhetoric and poetics of Aristotle. Modern Library Edition. New York: Random House.
Clarke, M. L. (2002). Rhetoric at Rome: a historical survey. New York: Routledge.
Glenn, C. (1997). Rhetoric retold: Regendering the tradition from antiquity through the renaissance. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.
Graves, H. (2010). Introduction. In In Interdisciplinarity: Thinking and writing beyond borders. Eds. H. Graves & R. Graves. Edmonton: Canadian Association for the Study of Discourse and Writing.
Pare, A. (2010). Interdisciplinarity: Rhetoric, reasonable accommodation, and the Toto effect. In Interdisciplinarity: Thinking and writing beyond borders. Eds. H. Graves & R. Graves. Edmonton: Canadian Association for the Study of Discourse and Writing.

Heather Graves is Professor of English and Film Studies at the University of Alberta, where she teaches academic and technical and business communication. Her research interests include argument in academic discourse, visual rhetoric, and the rhetoric of science. She has published three academic books: Rhetoric in(to) Science: Style as Invention in Inquiry in 2005; Writing Centres, Writing Seminars, Writing Culture: Writing Instruction in Anglo-Canadian Universities edited with Roger Graves in 2006; and Interdisciplinarity: Thinking and Writing Beyond Borders edited with Roger Graves in 2010; and four writing textbooks: A Strategic Guide to Technical Communication with Roger Graves in 2007/2012; The Brief Penguin Handbook (Cdn Eds) with Lester Faigley and Roger Graves (2008/2011/2014/2016); The Little Penguin Handbook (Cdn Eds) with Lester Faigley and Roger Graves (2009/2012/2015); and Dynamics of Business and Professional Communication: A Case-Based Approach with Roger Graves (2015).

Roger Graves is Professor in the Department of English and Film Studies, and Associate Director of the Centre for Teaching and Learning at the University of Alberta. He is the author, co-author, or editor of eight books and 30+ articles, including Writing Instruction in Canadian Universities. He is a member of the editorial boards for College English and the IEEE Proceedings on Technical Communication, and publisher of Inkshed Publications, the publications initiative of the Canadian Association for the Study of Language and Learning (CASLL/Inkshed). His current research interests include writing assignments across disciplinary fields and the gamification of peer response systems in writing classrooms. Since 2008, he has given over 250 public presentations locally, nationally, and internationally. From 2014-2017 he served on the ISAWR Steering Committee; previously he served on the Executive Committee of the Conference on College Composition and Communication (2010-1202) and of the Canadian Association for the Study of Discourse and Writing (2008-2014).

Position: Lecturer in Rhetoric and Technical Communication, UWaterloo

Please share and apply!

The Department of English Language and Literature in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Waterloo invites applications for a three-year definite-term appointment starting August 1, 2017 at the rank of Lecturer in Rhetoric and Technical Communication.

The successful candidate may be considered for reappointment at the completion of the contract.
Applicants must have a completed PhD and a substantial record of teaching by the time of appointment. The successful candidate will teach a writing- and speaking-intensive engineering communication course for first-year engineering students; thus, evidence of experience teaching technical communications courses at the post-secondary level will be considered an important asset. The successful candidate will also contribute to other areas of undergraduate teaching in communication and rhetoric.

This position is designated as 80% teaching and 20% service, with duties normally spread over three academic terms each year. The salary range for the rank of Lecturer is $60,000.00 to $80,000.00. Negotiations beyond this salary range will be considered for exceptionally qualified candidates.

The application deadline is June 5, 2017. Please submit applications to the Department Chair, Kate Lawson. Application materials must be submitted online as PDF files through Please include a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and a teaching dossier, and arrange for three letters of reference to be uploaded (addressed to Professor Kate Lawson, Chair, Department of English Language and Literature, University of Waterloo).

More information about the Department is available at

Further enquiries may be directed to Professor Lawson at 519-888-4567, ext. 33965 or by e-mail to

The University of Waterloo respects, appreciates and encourages diversity. We welcome applications from all qualified individuals including women, members of visible minorities, Aboriginal peoples and persons with disabilities. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.

“Three reasons to apply:”.