REMINDER: 2017 CSSR / SCÉR Accommodations & Banquet

If you plan to attend our conference in 2017, please make your plans for accommodation and sign up for our banquet, if you have not done so already.  We will meet in less than 6 weeks.

1. Accommodation is likely to fill up quickly. The Congress is attended by more than 7000 academics every year. Congress also offers discount codes for two airlines, WestJet and Air Canada. See the Congress website’s “Plan Your Trip” page:

2. Please use the RSVP link below to sign up for the 2017 CSSR / SCÉR Banquet on Sign Up Genius:

Tuesday, May 30, 19:00 (after the first day of our conference).Lola’s Kitchen, 634 Church Street, Toronto, ON,

RSVP online by May 25 at

Pay for your own meal at the restaurant.

Mardi, 30 mai, 19h00. (Après le premier jour de notre conférence)Lola’s Kitchen, 634 Church Street, Toronto, ON,

RSVP en-ligne avant le 25 mai:

Payez votre repas au restaurant.


Opening Address, 1981

CSSR Opening Address (1981)

Opening address of Judith Rice Henderson for our second session at the learned societies conference, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 23 May, 1981. (Excerpts from Canadian Rhetoric Newsletter, vol. 1, no. 1, 1981, edited by Josef Schmidt.)

Discours d’Ouverture (1981)

Discours d’ouverture de Judith Rice Henderson pour notre deuxième session au congrès CanFed, à l’Université de Dalhousie, Halifax, 23 mai 1981. (Excerps de Bulletin Canadien de Rhétorique, vol. 1, numéro 1, 1981, édité par Josef Schmidt.)

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