Prepare your CSSR 2017 proposal

Dear rhetoric scholars, please plan ahead some time to draft your proposal to present at the CSSR 2017 conference.  The deadline is coming in one month.

You’re welcome to consult with me (Tania S. Smith) about your proposal ideas in advance.  It’s also nice to know some more proposals are likely to come in by the deadline.

Please distribute our call for papers to individual colleagues and offer a personal note to encourage them to submit a proposal. I’ve already sent the CFP to a number of distribution lists. I’ve also distributed it internationally. We may be a society based in Canada, but our presentation topics and membership reach far beyond Canada.

Encourage your best students of rhetoric (graduate and undergraduate) to submit a proposal and/or attend our conference and become a member. We offer a prize for the best student paper, and we have positions on committees earmarked for students.

Unlike several other rhetoric societies that meet biennially, we host annual conferences. Your regular participation in our conferences can sustain and deepen your collegial relationships and networks of academic support (and perhaps even collaboration) beyond your own institution and region.

Rhetoricians may currently be a rare breed (at least outside of the US), but good rhetoric and good rhetorical scholarship is crucially important today. Rhetoric can be a growing (inter)disciplinary area if we continue to demonstrate the field’s breadth, relevance and usefulness.

I’m looking forward to many high-quality submissions for an invigorating conference in 2017 in Toronto.

Dr Tania S. Smith, President, CSSR/SCER