Call for CSSR 2017 Nominations

Dear CSSR/SCER members, we need to elect people to fill the following roles on the Executive and Committees at the 2017 AGM. If you would like to nominate someone, or nominate yourself, please contact the president Tania Smith at before May 25.  Nominations will also be accepted from the floor at the AGM.

Executive committee

We will need to prepare a full slate of nominees in case proposed 2017 Constitutional Revisions are accepted at the AGM.  If none of the revisions are accepted, we will require a new secretary-treasurer and member-at-large.

Persons currently serving in the Executive may seek re-election to their current role or may seek to be elected to a different role.

See position qualifications in the proposed 2017 constitution revisions at

  • President:  Tania Smith (2015-2017)
    • Nominees welcome 
  • Vice-President:  John Moffatt (2015-2017)
    • Nominees welcome 
  • Secretary-Treasurer:  David Beard (2015-2017)
    • Nominees welcome 
  • Past President & Rhetor journal editor: Pierre Zoberman (2015-2017)
    • Past President 2017-2019 will be Tania Smith, whether or not she serves in another role as well.
  • Member-at-Large:  Benoit Sans (2016-2017)
    • Nominees welcome 

Additional Executive roles

If the revised constitution is accepted, the Editor role will be separated from the Past President role, and the Editor and Webmaster will be on the Executive committee.

  • Rhetor Journal Editor
    • Nominees welcome  
  • Webmaster: Tania Smith (2012 to present)
    • Nominees welcome 

Advisory committee

This committee reviews conference presentation proposals for the upcoming year’s conference.

  • Bruce Dadey (2015-2017)
    • Nominees welcome 
  • Jonathan Powers (2015-2017)
    • Nominees welcome 
  • Tracy Whalen (2016-2018)
  • Tess Laidlaw (2016-2018)
  • Julie Dainville  (student) (2016-2018)

Editorial committee

  • Pierre Zoberman (Editor/directeur, 2015-2017)
    • to be Replaced by newly elected Editor
  • Jeanie Wills (2013-15 past editor, member to 2017)
    • to be Replaced by Pierre Zoberman, past editor 2015-2017
  • Alice den Otter (2016-2020)
  • Randy Harris (2014-2018)
  • Victor Ferry (2014-2018)
  • Loic Nicolas (2014-2018)
  • Patricia Ofili (student in 2016) (2016-2020)
  • Kyle Gerber (student in 2016) (2016-2020)

Nominees welcome.  It would be wise to add 1-2 people in 2017 so that terms are staggered. We need Francophones.

Student prize committee

TOR: “At least one member must be currently on the Executive Committee and/or Editorial Board. At least one member should be a francophone. All members hold a Ph.D. and are not currently studying for a graduate degree.”

  • J. Moffatt,
  • D. Beard,
  • Shannon Purves-Smith
  • Nominees welcome

Webmaster Assistant & Social Media Assistants

  • Ryan McGuckin (Google+ 2015 to present),
  • Bruce Dadey (2016 to present)
  • Brandon Katzir (Twitter, 2015 to present)
  • M. Shivaun Corry (Facebook 2017 to present)
  • Nominees welcome

As I do each year, I will check to see if these can continue to serve.

Reminder: 2017 Constitutional Revisions for Review

We have created two Google Forms (online surveys) that present the revisions and their rationales and gather feedback in advance of the 2017 AGM at our conference. There will be limited time for discussion during the AGM.

We welcome responses from all who consider themselves affiliated with CSSR.

Please try to respond on these forms before May 25, since we may need some time to compile and review the responses prior to the AGM.

For more information, see the original post April 16 at

2017 Writing and Rhetoric position at U of Toronto

There is a 2-year contract position available in the Writing and Rhetoric Program at Innis College, University of Toronto.

The position will begin July 1, 2017 or shortly thereafter, and end June 30, 2019. 

The deadline for applications is May 25, 2017.

Sharon English, who is currently the director of the program, will answer any questions applicants might have.

CFP: 2018 Rhetoric Society of America conference

Dear Friends and Members of RSA,
The 2018 Conference Team is pleased to announce that the 18th Biennial Conference website is now OPEN for submissions. You can submit your individual papers, panels, and special session proposals to:
Click here for a copy of the conference call. Please share it with interested colleagues. If you would like to refer others to a URL instead, please use the following URLs.
Bill Keith, Roxanne Mountford, Christa Olson and I look forward to seeing your submissions.
If you have any questions, please forward them to:

REMINDER: 2017 CSSR / SCÉR Accommodations & Banquet

If you plan to attend our conference in 2017, please make your plans for accommodation and sign up for our banquet, if you have not done so already.  We will meet in less than 6 weeks.

1. Accommodation is likely to fill up quickly. The Congress is attended by more than 7000 academics every year. Congress also offers discount codes for two airlines, WestJet and Air Canada. See the Congress website’s “Plan Your Trip” page:

2. Please use the RSVP link below to sign up for the 2017 CSSR / SCÉR Banquet on Sign Up Genius:

Tuesday, May 30, 19:00 (after the first day of our conference).Lola’s Kitchen, 634 Church Street, Toronto, ON,

RSVP online by May 25 at

Pay for your own meal at the restaurant.

Mardi, 30 mai, 19h00. (Après le premier jour de notre conférence)Lola’s Kitchen, 634 Church Street, Toronto, ON,

RSVP en-ligne avant le 25 mai:

Payez votre repas au restaurant.


New 2017 issue of “Survive and Thrive” Journal has been published

A new issue of Survive & Thrive: Journal for Medical Humanities and Narrative as Medicine has been published. It includes articles that may be of interest to rhetoric scholars (see a selected list below).

Rhetoricians may also wish to consider submitting research articles and creative works in the area of the Rhetoric of Medicine / Narrative Rhetoric.

See the journal’s website at

Survive & Thrive: Journal for Medical Humanities and Narrative as Medicine aims to provide opportunities for sharing research, artistic work, pedagogical dialogue, and the practice of Medical Humanities and Narrative as Medicine. Although it is linked to the Survive and Thrive Conference and Arts Festival, the Journal serves its own mission in education and the practice of Humanities as they relate to illness, injury, and trauma.”

Survive and Thrive (S & T) is an open access, digital, peer reviewed journal, supported by St. Cloud State University Digital Archives.”

SELECTED Articles in Volume 3, Issue 1 (2017)

See full list at

“The Rhetoric of Confessional Poetry (Revisited): Ethos, Myth, Therapy, and the Narrative Configuration of Self”
by Steven B. Katz

“13 Ways of Looking at the Body”
by David E. Beard

“Telling a Story of Stillbirth: Accepting the Limits of Narrative”
by Janel C. Atlas

“Meta-Cognitive Thinking and Logical Approaches after a Cardiac Arrest”
by diego k. fontanive

For Review: Constitutional Revisions for the 2017 AGM

We plan to present important revisions to our constitution this year at our AGM.

The final article of our constitution states “The constitution may be amended by two-thirds of the members present and voting at the Annual General Meeting. The minimum six weeks written notice shall apply and members will be given six weeks to submit responses before the vote at the meeting.”

We have created two Google Forms (online surveys) that present the revisions and their rationales and gather feedback in advance of the AGM. There will be limited time for discussion during the AGM.

Please try to respond on these forms before May 25, since we may need some time to compile and review the responses prior to the AGM.

Review and responses are welcomed from 1) current members, 2) those who plan to pay or renew membership soon, as well as 3) past members who still consider themselves affiliated with us.

According to the constitution, your advance responses does NOT constitute an official vote, according to article 7 quoted above. However, at the AGM we would like to summarize the responses we have gathered to date, since it could aid us significantly in making wise decisions about the future of our organization.

Official voting will be held on each article at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), May 31, 2017 at Ryerson University, as part of the conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Rhetoric / La Sociéte Canadienne pour l’Étude de la Rhétorique.

If you wish, you can return to the surveys several times to review the proposed revisions again and add further responses under your name, but you must fill out valid identifying information each time. We’ll group together your responses and consider all of them as one person’s input.

SPAM & Phishing warning about emails from

Dear members and all who may receive emails from CSSR,

Members of our executive have recently received several fake emails from “Tania S. Smith” purportedly sent from “” and requesting payment of invoices, etc.  When the recipient hits “reply,” the email gets sent to an unknown email address.

Please be advised that we do not SEND any individual emails originating from our email addresses EXCEPT announcements sent from our website mailing list. Our list address is not published online or stated here in order to keep it secure. Our email digests via MailChimp come with the subject line “Posts from … for [date]” and have a blue/teal background when viewed in HTML.

Yes, we do own cssr-scer email addresses, but they are only used for receiving public inquiries from our website TO our current executive committee members. Our website host is set up to forward these email inquiries to the individuals currently serving in those roles. It forwards your message to them at their preferred email address. When you get a reply from them, it will not come from a email address.

Don’t worry, our website and mailing list security and privacy have not been compromised. There is nothing we as the CSSR can do to prevent such scams from occurring. They can happen to any organization that has names and emails published online.  All the scammer needs to know is the person’s real name related to a particular email address, and then they need to know the email addresses of some people who may expect to receive emails from that person.

Any public name and email address is vulnerable to forgery of this type. If your name and email are published on your university website, it also can be forged in an email sent to anyone you’re publicly known to be affiliated with.

For more information on this type of email spam, see this page from the University of Chicago advising their own staff about this issue:

Extended deadline CMNA 2017: 21 April

The CMNA deadline has been extended to April 21.

CSSR members and all rhetoricians are welcomed to participate.

Randy Harris says “we would very much like to up the rhetorical quotient this year: anything with computers + argumentation + rhetoric will be looked on favourably. Notice also that there will be preferential adjudication for papers based on CMNA 17 proposals submitted to the journal Argument and Computation.”

Here is the original announcement Posted April 4:

CMNA 2017, the 17th workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument

16 June 2017, London, UK.

DEADLINE 12 April 2017.

CMNA 2017 will be held in conjunction with the ICAIL 2017 (International Conference on AI and Law) conference, which is held in London, UK from 12 to 16 June 2017.

The series of workshops on Computational Models of Natural Argument is continuing to attract high quality submissions from researchers around the world since its inception in 2001. The workshop focuses on “natural” argumentation. Topics are as follows.

  • The characteristics of “natural” arguments (e.g. ontological aspects, cognitive issues, legal aspects).
  • The linguistic characteristics of natural argumentation, including discourse markers, sentence format, referring expressions, and style.
  • The generation of natural argument
  • Corpus argumentation results and techniques
  • Argumentation mining
  • Models of natural legal argument
  • Rhetoric and affect: the role of emotions, personalities, etc. in argumentation.
  • The roles of licentiousness and deceit and the ethical implications of implemented systems demonstrating such features.
  • Natural argumentation in multi-agent systems.
  • Methods to better convey the structure of complex argument, including representation and summarisation.
  • Natural argumentation and media: visual arguments, multi-modal arguments, spoken arguments.
  • Evaluative arguments and their application in AI systems (such as decision-support and advice-giving).
  • The computational use of models from informal logic and argumentation theory.
  • Computer supported collaborative argumentation, for pedagogy, e-democracy and public debate.
  • Tools for interacting with structures of argument.
  • Applications of argumentation based systems.

We are accepting submissions of long and short papers, demonstrations and short abstracts. CMNA17 proceedings will be published as CEUR Workshop Proceedings, and extended versions of selected accepted papers will be published in a special issue of Argument and Computation

Key dates are as follows:

  • Paper submission (all categories): 12th April 2017
  • Notification to authors: 1st May 2017
  • Final version of papers: 20th May 2017
  • Early registration deadline: see the ICAIL website at
  • CMNA 17: 16 June 2017

Please visit for more information.