Sign up for the 2017 CSSR banquet

Tuesday, May 30, 19:00 (after the first day of our conference).

Lola’s Kitchen, 634 Church Street, Toronto, ON,

RSVP online by May 25 at

Pay for your own meal at the restaurant.

Mardi, 30 mai, 19h00. (Après le premier jour de notre conférence)

Lola’s Kitchen, 634 Church Street, Toronto, ON,

RSVP en-ligne avant le 25 mai:

Payez votre repas au restaurant.


2016 TED-Ed video gives overview of rhetoric

You might be interested in sharing this short instructional TED-Ed video to give students or friends an overview of Aristotle’s 3 genres and 3 appeals and how they can be used.

“How to use rhetoric to get what you want” (04:30), posted Sept. 20, 2016 by the TED-Ed YouTube channel

The title sounds like it teaches how to use rhetoric for selfish ends, but the content focuses on public rhetoric and encourages ethical use of rhetoric through ethos, argument, and cautions about pathos.

Full video information is on the TED-Ed website at

  • Educator: Camille A. Langston
  • Script Editor: Alex Gendler
  • Director: Hector Herrera
  • Producer: Pazit Cahlon
  • Sound Designer: Nick Sewell

Draft of CSSR 2017 Conference Programme

The draft programme for the 2017 Conference in Toronto is now available on

Only registered presenters will appear on the FINAL programme, so please pay your Registration & Association fees soon.

The reduced rate for Congress Registration fees will end March 31.  Online registration will close May 15.  Register online at

Presenters and suggested session chairs:  Please check your tentative dates and times, but keep in mind that minor changes may occur if there are unexpected last-minute cancellations.

The CSSR Banquet has been moved to the evening of Day 1, Tuesday May 30th at 19:00 (7pm). Our restaurant location has not yet been arranged.

On Wednesday, May 31, our association (among others) is invited to the Congress President’s Reception at 5pm, where refreshments are provided.

2017 CSSR conference in Toronto: Correct website link

If you are planning to come this year to CSSR 2017 in Toronto at Ryerson University, here is the correct website link for conference information:

This morning I was informed that outdated information about last year’s 2016 conference was still on our website.  It misdirected people to last year’s conference location in Calgary. I have now removed the outdated pages and posts from our website.  I’m very sorry if anyone received the wrong information from those pages.


Dr. Tania S. Smith
CSSR President and Webmaster

CFP: Pedagogy journal [English: Rhetoric & Composition] due April 2017

Call for Papers:  Special Issue of Pedagogy [journal] — Ideological Transparency in the Classroom and On Campus.  Daniel P. Richards and Louise Wetherbee Phelps, Guest Editors.

PDF  |  Web


It has been over a decade since Karen Kopelson published her article “Rhetoric on the Edge of Cunning” (2003), in which she proposed the performance of neutrality as a potential strategy to address ideologically-driven student resistance in the writing classroom. Overtly politicized critical composition pedagogies, she argued, might exacerbate student resistance—in particular if those pedagogies are enacted by marginalized teacher-subjects—and thus looks to theories of “radical resignification” to explore the value of performing the type of objectivity many students expect in university classrooms. Situated, as Kopelson’s article is, in Richard Boyd’s (1999) notion that the field of rhetoric and composition has long been preoccupied with student resistance as evidenced by its “incessant return” as a narrative, this special issue asks scholars in the field to do just that: return incessantly to thinking and theorizing about our own ideological commitments and political inflections in our teaching practices and performances.

While we might have consensus in the belief that there simply is no teaching without ideology, indeed that ideology is inherently inescapable, there is ample room for conversation about the degrees to which we make our commitments and political affiliations apparent and what role these various approaches play in the larger conversation of public perception of higher education and, more urgently, the changing nature and forms of student resistance in our current sociopolitical moment. Have the manifestations of student resistance changed, and if so, what does this mean for our own pedagogical performativities? Need they change? In what ways? For whose interests? And for what ends? How much of our own ideological allegiances do we make transparent to our students, and what are the reasons we give? What are the bounds of pedagogical neutrality in the shifting landscapes of higher education and politics?

Guiding Questions

The editors of this special issue invite proposals of full-length articles pertaining to this topic, and are open to various types of methods relevant to pedagogical inquiry and classroom research. The editors are particularly interested in responses to the following questions:

  • How do our pedagogical choices reinforce or challenge the public perception of higher education practices?
  • How has student resistance changed?
  • How do we approach the perception of “ideological bias” by students?
  • How do we make apparent the differences to students between content coverage, pedagogy, and fair assessment practices?
  • What role does political affect play in our pedagogies?
  • What administrative moves could or should be made to address issues of ideological discrimination or invisibility in the classroom?
  • What are the ideological issues facing writing program administrators in terms of curriculum development and teacher training and what are the various approaches available?

Overall, this special issue seeks to re-examine discussions, approaches, and rationales of pedagogical ideological transparency and/or performativity in order to encourage more explicit discussions of how and why teachers do or do not inflect their politics in the classroom, all the while positioning these approaches in the larger topics of student resistance, public perception of higher education, and political surveillance.


  • Proposals due: April 7, 2017
  • Decision to authors on preliminary inclusion: May 5, 2017
  • Author drafts to guest editors: November 17, 2017
  • Article revisions (due to guest editors): October 2018
  • Issue to Pedagogy: December 2018
  • Issue mails to readers: December 2019

Submission and Contact Details

Individuals or co-authors should submit a 600-word proposal that indicates type of submission, overall topic, questions addressed, and contribution to the field. Proposals should be submitted as .doc or .pdf files to and The subject line of the email submission should read “Special Issue Proposal, Ideology in the Classroom.” For more information or queries, email Daniel Richards at

Journal Description

Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture is an innovative journal that aims to build and sustain a vibrant discourse around teaching in English studies. In spite of the large role that teaching plays in the lives of most English studies scholars, no other mainstream journal in English devotes itself exclusively to pedagogical issues spanning the entire discipline. By contrast, Pedagogy covers all areas of English studies from literature and literary criticism to composition and cultural studies. It seeks to reverse the long history of the marginalization of teaching and of the scholarship produced around it. Fusing theoretical approaches and practical realities, Pedagogy is an essential resources for teachers.

COMS academic positions at Concordia University, 2017

Forwarded by Dr. Maurice Charland:

“My department is hiring a tenure-track and a number of replacement (Limited Term Appointment) positions.  Among these, there is room for a rhetorician.”

LTAs :

Tenure-Track :

Titles of accepted proposals for CSSR 2017

Our peer review of proposals is now complete. Here is a list of titles of presentation proposals accepted for the CSSR/SCÉR 2017 conference. Hopefully this interesting set of titles will entice others to attend our conference in Toronto, ON, May 30-June 1, 2017.

In alphabetical order:

•    A neurocognitive ontology of rhetorical figures
•    Apartheid Legal Screens and Nelson Mandela’s Luminescence
•    Cautiously Optimistic: Imagining a Multicultural Canada in 1941
•    Communication across lay/expert divides: A rhetorical decision-making framework
•    From persuasion to presumption to standards and surveillance: Rhetorical mechanisms in the promotion of surgical checklists
•    From Usability to UX: Visual Rhetoric, Comics, and Technical Communication
•    Hidden in Plain Sight: Memory, Fake News and the Rhetoric of Ignorance
•    How to Survive Food-pocalypse: The Politics of Food Resilience Narratives
•    Hyperreal Gentrification in Istanbul
•    Identification Strategies in China’s National-Image Discourse Construction
•    Laughing Stocks: Prison, Surplus, Comic Relief
•    Les usages de l’ekphrasis / The uses of ekphrasis
•    “Liberals Lead:” The Rhetorical Influence of CBC’s Aggregate Polling Data on Voters in the 2015 Canadian National Election
•    Occupy Wall Street, C.S. Peirce’s Theory of Rhetoric, and the Right to the Commons
•    “On Earth as it is in Heaven”: Transitive Action in The Lord’s Prayer
•    Pierre Elliott Trudeau’s Pirouette as Canadian Ideograph
•    Publicly Anonymous: Ethical Rhetorical Analysis Online
•    Reimagining the Political: Weaving Aesthetics & Sensation in Communication & Rhetoric Theory
•    Resonance Chambers & Industrial Nightmares: Big Wind’s Rhetorical Afflictions
•    Re-turning the Rhetorical Turn to Narrative Practice
•    Rhetoric And/ Rhetoric of
•    Rhetoric Meets Structuralism at the École Pratique des Hautes Études
•    Rhétorique et divination : comment rendre le divin évident dans la Grèce classique ?
Rhetoric and divination: how to make the divine obvious in classical Greece?
•    The Context of Melmoth’s 1749 English Translation of Tacitus’ Dialogue on Oratory
•    The Meme is the Message: Subtervising through Self-Care Internet Memes
•    The Transformative Power of Rhetoric:  Speaking to Become the President or Prime Minister
•    Une rhétorique critique et inclusive. L’enseignement des questions rhétoriques à des professionnels se formant en éthique appliquée
•    Vico’s rhetorical angle: geometry, genealogy, and argumentative ingenuity
•    Viral Vaccines: Proposed Policy and the Rhetoric of Redditors Response

The DRAFT programme will be in developement after Feb. 27, by which time I hope to have received replies from proposers indicating whether they are planning to attend.

Keynote speakers’ presentations may be added to the programme at a later date.

Journal CFP: The Humanities as a Form of Resistance

The first issue of Con Texte, Laurentian University’s interdisciplinary humanities graduate student journal, will explore the various forms of text that ignite revolutionary forms of political and social resistance.

Works should reflect the ever present need for political resistance as expressed through the humanities and emphasize the role and importance of text as a means of pedagogy, revolution, and reformation.  When politics fall into dangerous and threatening forms, many of us have few alternatives for opposition.  This edition will explore the importance of text in maintaining our sense of the world, creating culture and national identity, and centring our communities within their own power.

We are looking for submissions exploring a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • feminist literature, philosophy, and all other forms of text
  • explorations of intersectionality in terms of art, literature and philosophy
  • humour and satire as forms of political commentary
  • explorations of empowerment for community and culture through humanities methods
  • scholarly reflections on music, poetry and prose as forms of resistance

We invite submissions from scholars at all levels and seek a variety of theoretical positions, differing and silenced opinions, and strange perspectives about the value of the Humanities.

Full Submission Due: March 15th 2017
Maximum 3,500 words in Word format.
Citations in MLA, APA, and Chicago.
Prepared for blind review.
In English or French.
Online publication released June 1st 2017.

Please send your submission to

More information available at