Titles of accepted proposals for CSSR 2017

Our peer review of proposals is now complete. Here is a list of titles of presentation proposals accepted for the CSSR/SCÉR 2017 conference. Hopefully this interesting set of titles will entice others to attend our conference in Toronto, ON, May 30-June 1, 2017.

In alphabetical order:

•    A neurocognitive ontology of rhetorical figures
•    Apartheid Legal Screens and Nelson Mandela’s Luminescence
•    Cautiously Optimistic: Imagining a Multicultural Canada in 1941
•    Communication across lay/expert divides: A rhetorical decision-making framework
•    From persuasion to presumption to standards and surveillance: Rhetorical mechanisms in the promotion of surgical checklists
•    From Usability to UX: Visual Rhetoric, Comics, and Technical Communication
•    Hidden in Plain Sight: Memory, Fake News and the Rhetoric of Ignorance
•    How to Survive Food-pocalypse: The Politics of Food Resilience Narratives
•    Hyperreal Gentrification in Istanbul
•    Identification Strategies in China’s National-Image Discourse Construction
•    Laughing Stocks: Prison, Surplus, Comic Relief
•    Les usages de l’ekphrasis / The uses of ekphrasis
•    “Liberals Lead:” The Rhetorical Influence of CBC’s Aggregate Polling Data on Voters in the 2015 Canadian National Election
•    Occupy Wall Street, C.S. Peirce’s Theory of Rhetoric, and the Right to the Commons
•    “On Earth as it is in Heaven”: Transitive Action in The Lord’s Prayer
•    Pierre Elliott Trudeau’s Pirouette as Canadian Ideograph
•    Publicly Anonymous: Ethical Rhetorical Analysis Online
•    Reimagining the Political: Weaving Aesthetics & Sensation in Communication & Rhetoric Theory
•    Resonance Chambers & Industrial Nightmares: Big Wind’s Rhetorical Afflictions
•    Re-turning the Rhetorical Turn to Narrative Practice
•    Rhetoric And/ Rhetoric of
•    Rhetoric Meets Structuralism at the École Pratique des Hautes Études
•    Rhétorique et divination : comment rendre le divin évident dans la Grèce classique ?
Rhetoric and divination: how to make the divine obvious in classical Greece?
•    The Context of Melmoth’s 1749 English Translation of Tacitus’ Dialogue on Oratory
•    The Meme is the Message: Subtervising through Self-Care Internet Memes
•    The Transformative Power of Rhetoric:  Speaking to Become the President or Prime Minister
•    Une rhétorique critique et inclusive. L’enseignement des questions rhétoriques à des professionnels se formant en éthique appliquée
•    Vico’s rhetorical angle: geometry, genealogy, and argumentative ingenuity
•    Viral Vaccines: Proposed Policy and the Rhetoric of Redditors Response

The DRAFT programme will be in developement after Feb. 27, by which time I hope to have received replies from proposers indicating whether they are planning to attend.

Keynote speakers’ presentations may be added to the programme at a later date.